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Candidate Peace Pledge

Welcome to the Candidate Peace Pledge (CPP).


Are you ready to work for Peace? Political campaigns seem to be going on forever. Even before an election is over, the next campaigns are already underway. Despite this, among both Democrats and Republicans, there is a lot of talk about war, but no discussion of peace. Candidates rail about war; how to war, with which allies, against which enemies, what to do as yesterday’s enemies morph into ‘friends’ and old ‘friends’ become the new enemies.


Work for Peace on Earth

Peaceful Skies Coalition believes that each of us, as an individual or with a group, can bring a discussion of peace into the campaign season through participating in the Candidate Peace Pledge Campaign. The pledge goes beyond ending current wars by urging a restructuring of the US economy away from war, militarism and violence. The final part of the pledge is a call for the US to develop remediation technologies and support the cleanup of tens of thousands of sites contaminated by war and militarism in the US and around the world.

Become  an Activist for Peace. The goal of this project is to bring PEACE into every election discussion from now until Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

The more candidates that take the pledge, the more the voices for peace will be heard. We the people, have the right to know where candidates stand on this overarching issue that effects all the other issues discussed by candidates.

Individuals, groups, everyone is eligible to ask candidates seeking their vote to take the Peace Pledge. Many will never take the pledge. Nearly all will be afraid to be among the first to sign. The Peace Pledge asks our future representatives to stand for three things; 1. demilitarization, 2. transforming from a war economy to a peace economy, and 3. cleanup of all former and current military toxic and radioactive sites.

Candidates for any office, any party, nonpartisan, Independent or unaffiliated are eligible to take the pledge. In addition to Congressional elections, thousands of elections will be held in 2018; school boards, city and local governments. According to Ballotpedia, there are more than 500,000 people holding elected office in the US. Just on the state legislative level, there thousands of  legislative seats up for a vote in 2018. With your help, many will take the Candidate Peace Pledge.

Campaign language needs to be demilitarized. Fear and wars are a major part of campaign discussions. It is the responsibility of each of us to make enough noise and sign up enough candidates so that peace is also part of campaign discussions.

Additional Campaign Resources
+ Bring PEACE into the 2018 Campaigns. Become a grassroots activist for peace.
+Activist Pledge Bring PEACE into the 2018 Campaigns. This is where you commit to ask your future representatives to take the pledge.
Download pdf  CandidatePeacePledge.